Visits with children

There is a lot for curious children to discover in all three buildings of the university’s museum: the University of Tartu Museum in the cathedral; the Old Observatory; and the University of Tartu Art Museum in the main building.   

The University of Tartu Museum

Every exhibition hall has something for our youngest visitors. There are lots of exciting things to do in the Crazy Scientist’s Lab, Parrot’s Physics Lab and in the cathedral’s Chamber of Mysteries. At the permanent exhibition, children can try looking for the mystical seventh Book of Moses.

Opening hours and ticket prices

The Crazy Scientist is the coolest character living and working in the museum. Since childhood, he has been trying to find answers to all kinds of questions. He travels the world, explores different countries and cultures, and conducts fun experiments. At school he was already known as the Crazy Scientist. The Crazy Scientist’s Lab in the museum has exciting mechanical toys for children to play with. Here, children can have their first look into the world of science. You can meet the Crazy Scientist during the Saturday Morning Science Experiments.  

Lapsed Hullu Teadlase kabinetis.

The museum is located in the oldest building of Tartu, the 800-year-old Tartu Cathedral. Over time, secrets and unanswered questions have accumulated. These stories and legends have been gathered in the cathedral’s Chamber of Mysteries. There you can watch an animation of how the church was constructed and build the medieval walls of Tartu yourself.  

Tartu Ülikooli muuseumi toomkiriku saladuste kamber

For children, the exhibition “The University of Our Lives” has a secret library, and it’s also where the seventh Book of Moses is hidden away.  

At the exhibition, children have their own secret library inside a closet, where they can make themselves comfortable. The secret library is full of children’s books from different eras, where young visitors can lie down on the pillows and read. For those who can’t read yet, there are alphabet boxes to play with. Learn the alphabet and assemble your favourite words. 

The exhibition is on the fifth floor, directly opposite the Crazy Scientist’s Lab, and is also accessible by elevator. 

Näitus "Minu elu ülikool" Tartu Ülikooli muuseumis

Toome park, which surrounds the museum, offers endless opportunities for running, hide-and-seek games or for a leisurely stroll. On summer evenings you might hear an owl hooting and see bats flying around. There is a playground near the museum. 

Külastajad Toomemäel
  • The museum has an elevator for access to the third, fifth and seventh floors. The exhibitions on these floors have enough space to move around with a pushchair. 
  • You can leave pushchairs, scooters and skateboards in the lobby on the first floor. 
  • The changing mat is on the first floor in the toilet for the disabled. 
  • The Museum Shop has water, juice cartons, and sweet and savoury snacks. 
  • You can buy a family ticket (two adults and children). 
  • Children under 14 years old can visit the cathedral’s towers under adult supervision. The towers are non-accessible for pushchairs. 

The Old Observatory

The observatory will have something to interest both young and old astronomy enthusiasts.

Opening hours and ticket prices

There are many hands-on exhibits in the Western Hall and basement of the observatory: try lifting a real iron meteorite, count meteors or put together a big puzzle!  

Laps Tartu tähetornis

The observatory hosts family days and observation nights. See all events at the University of Tartu Museum here.  

Päikesevarjutuse vaatlus Tartu tähetornis 2021. aastal.

Along with a visit, you can book a planetarium show in the observatory’s cone-shaped planetarium. Instead of modern digital projectors, we have special old apparatus that displays the stars on the ceiling by optical means. The shows are run by the curators of the museum’s educational programmes. 

Additional information and booking: 

Planetaariumi masin Tartu tähetornis
  • You can leave pushchairs in the lobby of the observatory. 
  • The exhibition hall on the first floor has enough space to move around with a smaller pushchair. 
  • The second floor, the planetarium, and the telescope tower are inaccessible for pushchairs. 
  • You can buy a family ticket (two adults and children). 

The University of Tartu Art Museum

The University of Tartu Art Museum welcomes visitors of all ages! The museum’s permanent exhibition has many beautiful statues that remind us of the tales of ancient Greece and Rome.

Opening hours and ticket prices

The most exciting place is the Mummy Chamber, which has real ancient Egyptian mummies.  

Muumiakamber Tartu Ülikooli kunstimuuseumis.

In the attic of the university’s main building is a place where misbehaving students used to be detained in order to reflect on their misdeeds. It is known as the lock-up. Go and see how uncomfortable it was for the unfortunate students held there!  

Tartu Ülikooli kartser


  • The university’s main building can be accessed with a pushchair from the automatic door in the left wing, which has a ramp. Press the button next to the door to open it. 
  • The lock-up is inaccessible for pushchairs.  
  • You can buy a family ticket (two adults and children). 

Crazy Scientist’s city camps

Organise a birthday party at the museum

Educational gifts from the Museum Shop

Morning Science Experiments

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