Senior Specialist of International R&D Cooperation
MSc (Natural Resources Management)
participation in EU research and innovation partnerships (KIC, FET, JPI, JTI, cPPP, Cofund) and collaborative initiatives of international research organisations and research infrastructures (ESFRI)
statistics and analysis of research and development activities, confirming ETIS publications and coordination of funding for research collections, research funding database Pivot-RP
Projects of the European Commission in the field of research, EIT Health, EIT Urban Mobility, EIC, EIE, CEF, LIFE, Euroopa Horisont, NordForsk, ESA, Erasmus+ collaboration projects, Erasmus+ learning mobility
Centres of excellence; RITA+; Mobilitas 3,0 MSCA postdoctoral researcher grant; Estonian Research Council´s adaptation grant for international recruitment of researchers; postdoctoral grant of personal research funding
research grants, incl. personal research funding starting grants and team grants from the Estonian Research Council; MOBERC grants; ERA NET; MOBERA; Fenno-Ugria
ASTRA+; thematic R&D Programmes (TemTA); support for international scientific cooperation; supporting infrastructure of national importance based on the roadmap; UT´s infrastructure support; support for core infrastructure; research collections
Research measure of the Just Transition Fund; National funding: service projects, support projects in the field of education; External funding: service projects
Thematic R&D programs, Engineering Academy and IT Academy in higher education, Learning measure of the Just Transition Fund, Green skills to support the green transition of companies, Development Cooperation Program (ESTDEV), Promotion of evidence-based and learner development-supportive quality management in general education, teacher training specialty scholarships