
On this page you can find all the exhibitions of the University of Tartu Museum, Old Observatory and University of Tartu Art Museum.

Exhibitions of the University of Tartu Museum

The exhibitions of the University of Tartu Museum focus on presenting the history of the university and science. You can also find exciting exhibits about Tartu Cathedral here.

Tartu Ülikooli muuseumi toomkiriku saladuste kamber

Exhibition "The cathedral’s Chamber of Mysteries"

On the sixth floor of the UT Museum, you can visit the cathedral’s Chamber of Mysteries, where there are activities for both children and adults. Discover the seven mysteries of the cathedral!
Tartu Ülikooli muuseumi püsinäitus "Minu elu ülikool"

Permanent exhibition of the history of the University of Tartu “The University of Our Lives”

Mis on valgus?

What Is Light? Professor Georg Friedrich Parrot’s Physics Lab

Hullu Teadlase kabinet Tartu Ülikooli muuseumis

Crazy Scientist’s Lab

Valge saal

White Hall

Toomkiriku valguskunstiteos

The Lighting Artwork of the Tartu Cathedral 'Dawn and Dusk'

Tartu toomkiriku välinäitus Toomemäel

Outdoor exhibitions at Toomemägi

Tartu 800

Exhibition "Invisible city. 800 years of the city of Tartu"

Exhibitions of the University of Tartu Art Museum

In the oldest art museum in Estonia, you will find exhibitions dedicated to antiquity and art. You can also visit the university Assembly Hall and the historical lock-up in the attic of the main building.

Lähivaade kujust Tartu Ülikooli kunstimuuseumis.

The University of Tartu Art Museum permanent exhibition

Näituse "Võimu märgid" tunnusvisuaal Tartu Ülikooli aula sammastest ja nendel ronivast roosast väädist

Exhibition “Signs of Power”

Exhibitions of the Tartu Old Observatory

The exhibitions in the Tartu Old Observatory focus on the history of astronomy and the present day of the science.

Tartu tähetorni idasaal

Permanent exhibition at the Old Observatory

Tartu tähetorn

The exhibition „Two Boys who Dreamed of Stars. Struve, Fraunhofer and the 200-Year-Old Telescope"

Atmosfäärinähtuste kategoorias äramärgitud foto "Helkivad ööpilved"

Exhibition of the winning works of the Tartu Observatory astrophotography competition