Exhibition of the winning works of the Tartu Observatory astrophotography competition

Atmosfäärinähtuste kategoorias äramärgitud foto "Helkivad ööpilved"
Silvi Arold

From 28 October, the winning works of the 2023 astrophotography competition are on display in front of the Observatory on Toomemägi. This year’s competition featured 167 photos in six categories: The moon, deep sky, urban astrophotography, the solar system, starry sky and atmospheric phenomena. The photos of the entrants were judged in three age groups: up to 12 years, 12-18 years and 19 years and older.

The aim of the astrophotography competition is to increase interest in celestial bodies and to encourage people to capture exciting moments. The tradition to host the competition was put on pause during the COVID pandemic but the interest of participants has been on the rise for the past several years.

The exhibition is part of the additional programme of European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 and will be open until 31 December 2024.

Panel: Jaak Kikkas, Lea Leppik, Kadri Tinn

Project Manager: Kärt Soieva

Team: Piibe Nõmm, Kadri Kaljurand, Karoliina Kalda, Kaarel Nõmmela, Ilona Piirimägi

Printing and Design: Salibar

Supporters: Tartu, Photopoint, Teleskoobid.ee

The Tartu observatory is located on the eastern side of Toomemägi.

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