Angelina Pjatkovskaja

Support the University of Tartu Museum

Donations help us preserve the ruins of the cathedral, maintain collections, and provide learning opportunities for young people and adults alike.  

The easiest way to make a financial contribution is by bank transfer or standing order.  

Targeted donation

If you would like to support the museum with a targeted donation, please contact us at or speak directly to the director.  

Mariann Raisma
Area of Director of Development
University of Tartu Museum
+372 737 5675
+372 522 1702 (5675)
Mariann Raisma
Area of Director of Development
University of Tartu Museum
+372 737 5675
+372 522 1702 (5675)
Jaanika Anderson
Area of Vice Rector for Development
University of Tartu Museum
Director of Research
Jaanika Anderson
Area of Vice Rector for Development
University of Tartu Museum
Director of Research

Supporters of the museum

  • Tartu city
  • Tartu 2024 Foundation 
  • Estonian Research Council 
  • Cultural Endowment of Estonia 
  • Ministry of Culture
  • National Heritage Board
  • Integration Foundation 
  • Ministry of Education and Research 
  • Environmental Investment Centre 
  • Nordic Council of Ministers 
  • Erasmus / European Solidarity Corps
  • European Regional Development Fund