The University of Tartu Museum regularly issues publications about the university and the history of science as well as books on exhibitions, research projects and university anniversaries. The museum’s journal Tartu Ülikooli ajaloo küsimusi (Questions on the History of the University of Tartu) is published once a year.
This is the only journal in Estonia dedicated to the history of science and higher education, published annually. In addition, the journal publishes research related to the collections of the University of Tartu Museum. The thematic focus of the journal is usually based on the presentations given at the annual conference of the University of Tartu Museum, but other articles that meet the journal’s requirements are also accepted. Estonian and international submissions are both accepted. The first language is Estonian, but articles in German, English or Russian are also published.
Editions are published in both print and electronic forms. The latter are available on the Open Journals System and are open access.
Articles must be about the history of science, ideas or universities, and are not limited to Tartu or Estonia.
General theoretical and comparative approaches are welcome, as are studies of historical scientific collections and objects of significance in the history of science.
The article must be the result of the author’s original research and should contain new information in its field.
An English abstract must be added to the article (or an Estonian abstract in the case of an English article). If necessary, the editorial office will arrange translation of the abstract.
The article must have proper references. References must use Chicago style; see the manual. In the case of Estonian archives and manuscript repositories, common abbreviations and the numerical references of archival institutions must be used: archival institution, fund-list-item (for example, EAA, 402-4-25).
The length of the article should not exceed 20 pages.
Please send any images as TIFF files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Images must have captions. Images are printed in black and white. The author is responsible for the publication rights of all illustrative material.
The author must provide their contact information (email) and details about their institution.
The author must agree to the rules of Open access when their article is accepted for publication.
Articles are peer-reviewed.
The University of Tartu Museum’s publications are on sale in the Museum Shop in Tartu Cathedral. A small selection is also available in the university’s online store.