
The University of Tartu Museum regularly issues publications about the university and the history of science as well as books on exhibitions, research projects and university anniversaries. The museum’s journal Tartu Ülikooli ajaloo küsimusi (Questions on the History of the University of Tartu) is published once a year. 

Questions on the History of the University of Tartu

This is the only journal in Estonia dedicated to the history of science and higher education, published annually. In addition, the journal publishes research related to the collections of the University of Tartu Museum. The thematic focus of the journal is usually based on the presentations given at the annual conference of the University of Tartu Museum, but other articles that meet the journal’s requirements are also accepted. Estonian and international submissions are both accepted. The first language is Estonian, but articles in German, English or Russian are also published. 

Editions are published in both print and electronic forms. The latter are available on the Open Journals System and are open access.  

  • Articles must be about the history of science, ideas or universities, and are not limited to Tartu or Estonia. 

  • General theoretical and comparative approaches are welcome, as are studies of historical scientific collections and objects of significance in the history of science. 

  • The article must be the result of the author’s original research and should contain new information in its field.  

  • An English abstract must be added to the article (or an Estonian abstract in the case of an English article). If necessary, the editorial office will arrange translation of the abstract. 

  • The article must have proper references. References must use Chicago style; see the manual. In the case of Estonian archives and manuscript repositories, common abbreviations and the numerical references of archival institutions must be used: archival institution, fund-list-item (for example, EAA, 402-4-25). 

  • The length of the article should not exceed 20 pages.  

  • Please send any images as TIFF files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Images must have captions. Images are printed in black and white. The author is responsible for the publication rights of all illustrative material. 

  • The author must provide their contact information (email) and details about their institution. 

  • The author must agree to the rules of Open access when their article is accepted for publication. 

Articles are peer-reviewed.

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Teised väljaanded

Tartu ülikooli kartseri lood
Tales of the Lock-up at the University of Tartu
Authors Ken Ird and Kristiina Tiideberg (2023)

A book about the university’s historical student lock-ups offers the reader a selection of colourful stories, based on some memoirs, pieces of literature, archival sources or anecdotes. The imaginatively illustrated stories (illustrator Kristina Viin) are introduced by a lengthy overview of the history of the lock-ups of the University of Tartu.

The book is available in Estonian, English and German editions.
Kataloog "Kunst või teadus"
Art or Science?
Editors Jaanika Anderson, Linda Kaljundi, Kadi Polli, Kristiina Tiideberg (2022)

Authors of the texts Jaanika Anderson, Anne Arus, Agur Benno, Ken Ird, Mare Isakar, Eha Järv, Linda Kaljundi, Ken Kalling, Krister Kruusmaa, Lea Leppik, Kristina Norman, Ulrike Plath, Kadi Polli, Anu Rae, Ingrid Sahk, Ave Suija, Erki Tammiksaar, Kristiina Tiideberg, Epi Tohvri

The book, created in collaboration with researchers from different backgrounds, examines the relationships between art and science. It looks at the interactions between artists and scientists in the study and visual depiction of various scientific fields, in particular botany and zoology, medicine and mathematics, geology and palaeontology, and other disciplines in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Raamat "Karl Morgenstern 250. Qui vult, potest"
Karl Morgenstern 250. Qui Vult, Potest
Compiled by Jaanika Anderson (2020)

Authors Mare Rand, Janika Päll, Malle Ermel, Dorothee von Hellermann, Moonika Teemus, Inge Kukk, Jaanika Anderson, Jürgen Barkhoff, Ivo Volt, Lea Leppik, Epi Tohvri, Juhan Maiste, Lucas Hafner, Kadri Tammur, Henn Käerik and Kristiina Tiideberg

The book was compiled for the 250th anniversary of Johann Karl Simon Morgenstern (1770–1852), a scholar of German origin. At the University of Tartu, he worked as a professor of classical philology, rhetoric, aesthetics, and the history of literature and art, and as the head of the university’s library and art museum. Already in his youth, Morgenstern had followed the motto “Qui vult, potest” – “He who wills, can”.
Raamat "Ars academica. Tartu Ülikooli kunstikogu"
Ars Academica. 100 Works of Art of the University of Tartu
Authors Ingrid Sahk and Moonika Teemus (2019)

The collection Ars Academica. 100 Works of Art of the University of Tartu is the first book that provides an overview of the large and elaborate art collection of the University of Tartu.

The foreword is followed by an outline of the history of the university’s art collection over two centuries. The main body of the book consists of reproductions of 100 works of art with their contexts, providing an insight into the diversity of the university’s art collection by way of different eras, schools, art forms and authors. Connections with the history of the university and the people associated with it are also addressed.
Raamat "Tartu Ülikooli 100 nägu"
A Hundred Faces of the University of Tartu
Compiled by Karoliina Kalda and Mariann Raisma (2019)

Photographer Birgit Püve; designer Maarja Roosi; language editor Anu Lepp; translator Juta Ristsoo; photographs of objects Andres Tennus

The book is based on the University of Tartu Museum’s photo exhibition “Get Ready! A Hundred Faces of the University of Tartu”.

For this exhibition, Estonian portrait photographer Birgit Püve captured 100 outstanding university researchers and faculty members along with the objects that best characterise their area of specialisation. In addition to their choice of object, those portrayed also express their thoughts on what Estonia’s national university means to them.

The exhibition and the book won the annual award of the global university museums network in 2020.
Raamat "Tartu toomkirik"
Tartu Cathedral. Cathedral. Library. Museum
Compiled by Mariann Raisma and Krista Andreson (2018)

Editor Anu Lepp; authors Kaur Alttoa, Malle Ermel, Lea Leppik, Madis Maasing, Juhan Maiste, Martin Malve, Mihkel Mäesalu, Anu Ormisson-Lahe, Heiki Valk; language editor Sirje Toomla; translator Juta Ristsoo; designer Maarja Roosi

The anthology Tartu Cathedral. Cathedral. Library. Museum gives an insight into the architectural history of the building as well as the institutions that have operated there for 800 years.

This is the first book about Tartu Cathedral that summarises the current state of research. In addition to the text, the book contains over 400 photos and illustrations.
Academic freedom. Studentdom of the University of Tartu Through Ages
Academic Freedom. Studentdom of the University of Tartu Through the Ages
Authors Janet Laidla, Toivo Kikkas (2019)

The book Academic Freedom. Studentdom of the University of Tartu Through the Ages is an outline of the history of the university and student life through different periods. The book is intended for a general readership.

This short illustrated popular science book gives an idea of where and what the students ate at different times, how they planned their studies and spent their free time, and what the 19th-century student apartment looked like. Different concepts are explained, and there are various recollections and vivid photos throughout.
Raamat "Unistuste Raadi. Liphartide kunstikogu Eestis"
Raadi of Our Dreams. The Liphart Family and Their Art Collection in Estonia
Compiled by Inge Kukk and Ingrid Sahk (2015)

Authors Juhan Maiste, Juta Keevallik, Inge Kukk, Ingrid Sahk, Piret Õunapuu; responsible editor Inge Kukk; designer Tiina Viirelaid

This lavishly illustrated book explores the formation of the von Lipharts’ art collection in Raadi Manor and its fate in Estonia in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The book presents all the paintings, prints, sculptures and applied art objects in the Raadi collection that were in Estonia in 2015 and whose origins can be verified. The articles preceding the catalogue section provide, among other things, an overview of the construction history of Raadi Manor, Reinhold von Liphart’s works as an art historian, and the formation of the Estonian National Museum’s art collection in Raadi Castle in the 1920s and 1930s.
Mountain of Muses
Mountain of Muses. University of Tartu Museum on Toome Hill
Author Lea Leppik (2014)

Introducing the history of the development of Toomemägi (Toome Hill) and the treasures of the University of Tartu Museum, the book Mountain of Muses. University of Tartu Museum on Toome Hill is intended for both domestic and foreign tourists who want to learn about the history of Toomemägi.

In addition to interesting facts, the book contains fascinating legends, numerous pictures from both past and present, and maps of Toomemägi that help the reader to navigate the layers of history, and to understand the buildings and monuments of interest.
Raamat "Tartu tähetorn - Old Observatory"
Tartu tähetorn – Tartu Old Observatory
Compiled by Lea Leppik (2011)

Authors Jaan Einasto, Enn Ernits, Meelis Friedenthal, Olga Heinloo, Helle Jaaniste, Jaak Jaaniste, Leili Kriis, Karin Kollo, Janet Laidla, Virge Lell, Lea Leppik, Terje Lõbu, Toivo Maimets, Reet Mägi, Urmet Paloveer, Heivi Pullerits, Toomas Pung, Jüri Randjärv, Tiiu Sild, Sirje Sisask, Erik Tago, Imbi Tehver, Eda Tursk, Tõnu Tuvikene, Pekka Tätilä, Viljar Valder, Tõnu Viik

The book, which was released for the 200th anniversary of the Old Observatory, gives an insight into the distinguished history of the institution, the people who shaped it, and those who loyally assisted. The book is the result of a joint effort from a variety of different authors, and was compiled by Lea Leppik.
Tartu Ülikooli muuseumi kogude kaardistamine
Mapping of the Collections of the University of Tartu 2006–2007
The mapping of the research collections at the University of Tartu took place between 2006 and 2007 within the framework of the state research collections programme. Collections that had received or applied for support from the state programme as well as those that had not were all taken into account.

An overview was thereby obtained of the collections (created as a result of research) that existed in the various structural units of the University of Tartu at that time.

Data on the University of Tartu Museum’s collections was also entered into the database of the international committee for university museums and collections (UMAC).
Raamat "Dorpat-Jurjev-Tartu ja Voronež: ülikooli kollektsiooni saatus
Dorpat-Yuryev-Tartu and Voronezh: the Fate of the University Collection
Compiled by Anu Hindikainen, Inge Kukk, Jelena Psenitsõna, Anatoli Vilkov

This illustrated catalogue of the art assets belonging to the University of Tartu Art Museum, which were taken to Voronezh during the First World War, was completed in 2006 with international cooperation. The catalogue presents, for the first time, all paintings, and works of Egyptian and ancient art.
Raamat "Leiutisi ja avastusi Tartu Ülikoolis"
Inventions and Discoveries at Tartu University
The four-book series "Inventions and Discoveries at Tartu University" provides a brief and straightforward overview of the most important scientific discoveries at the University of Tartu in the 19th century.
Raamat "Puusse lõigatud pildid. Jaapani traditsiooniline puulõikegraafika"
Pictures Cut Into Wood. Japanese Traditional Woodblock Printing
Compiled by Inge Kukk and Ingrid Sahk

The catalogue, published alongside the exhibition “Pictures Cut Into Wood. Japanese Traditional Woodblock Printing”, consists of reproductions of all the exhibited works. The catalogue provides a comprehensive overview of Japanese prints in the collections of the university’s art museum. Topics include the collection and production of traditional Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints and their motifs, and the development of woodblock printing in the 20th century.

Raamat "200 aastat Tartu Ülikooli kunstimuuseumi"
200 Years of the Art Museum of the University of Tartu
Compiled by Inge Kukk, Laidi Laiverik, Ingrid Sahk, Jaanika Tiisvend, Külli Valk

The catalogue, compiled on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the University of Tartu Art Museum, introduces the development and illustrious history of the art museum founded in 1803. The catalogue contains photographic reproductions from the collection, as well as records of a selection of the elements of value in art. Brief overviews of the nature, content and development of different collections are also included.

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The University of Tartu Museum’s publications are on sale in the Museum Shop in Tartu Cathedral. A small selection is also available in the university’s online store.

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