Topic: research

Building competencies for transdisciplinary collaboration
On 20-21 November, a short course on building competences for transdisciplinary collaboration will be held at the University of Tartu Library.
09. October 2024 research
WATCH RECORDING! Building bridges between science and society. Why and how to do cross-disciplinary research?
On 20 November, the University of Tartu Library hosted a conference focusing on the particulars of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary cooperation.
How ethical is it to kill your enemies? Oxford Professor Jeff McMahan presents special issue on Russia-Ukraine war
On 5 September, one of the world’s leading moral philosophers, Professor Jeff McMahan from the University of Oxford, will give a public lecture on the ethics of killing and just war theory. His lecture marks the publication of a special issue of a philosophy journal focused on the Russia-Ukraine war. The event will be held from 16:00 to 18:00 in White Hall at the University of Tartu Museum.
The ERC Advanced Grant project PeatlandN2O (N2O Budgets in Peatlands - from Process to Ecosystem) launch
The conference aims to present starting ideas for the PeatlandN2O project, which received the ERC Advanced Grant in 2023.
09. November 2023 research
Doctoral students are invited to participate in the three-minute thesis competition
The University of Tartu doctoral students are invited to participate in the three-minute thesis competition on 28 September.
25. August 2023 research
The University of Tartu Museum regularly issues publications about the university and the history of science as well as books on exhibitions, research projects and university anniversaries.
22. November 2022 research
The University of Tartu Museum incorporates the collections of the former University of Tartu History Museum and art museum.
22. November 2022 research
Research projects
The research activities of the University of Tartu Museum are focused on collections that concern the history of science at the University of Tartu and in Estonia.
10. November 2022 research
Information for the users of the collections
Tartu Ülikooli muuseumi kogudega saab tutvuda veebis või kokkuleppel koguhoidjatega kohapeal.
22. November 2022 research