University of Tartu Museum Wed–Sun 11-17

Tartu Old Observatory Sat–Sun 11-17

University of Tartu Art Museum Wed–Sun 11-17

Tartu 800

Exhibition "Invisible city. 800 years of the city of Tartu"

Tartu tähetorni idasaal

Permanent exhibition at the Old Observatory

Toomkiriku valguskunstiteos

The Lighting Artwork of the Cathedral

Lähivaade kujust Tartu Ülikooli kunstimuuseumis.

The University of Tartu Art Museum permanent exhibition

400 years of stories from the university

University of Tartu Museum preserves the academic heritage of the university, educates and enlightens the young and old alike, and tells the history of the University of Tartu as well as the history of world science and art in a thrilling way.

Visits with children

There is a lot for curious children to discover in all three buildings of the university’s museum: the University of Tartu Museum in the cathedral; the Old Observatory; and the University of Tartu Art Museum in the main building.

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Crazy Scientist's Lab

Old Observatory's Western Hall

Mummy Chamber in the art museum



See ongoing events

Coming soon

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Learn in the museum

The University of Tartu Museum welcomes everyone who is looking to spend some quality time and to educate themselves in a variety of ways. The museum offers educational activities both formally and informally – educational programmes, guided tours, workshops, leisure programmes.

Learn more

Science and art

The University of Tartu Museum collects and stores materials that span the university’s four centuries of history. The collections of the University of Tartu Museum reflect the development of European university education in Estonia and highlight the importance of collections in research and teaching.

Franz Joseph Ruprecht ja Alexander Postels vetikaid kogumas. Illustratsioon Postelsi ja Ruprechti teosele „Illustrationes algarum“ (Vetikate pildid). Peterburi, 1840. Koloreeritud litograafia

Research projects

Tartu Ülikooli muuseumi kogud

Information for the users of the collections

Tartu Ülikooli muuseumi väljaanded


Camino project

European universities launch a cultural cooperation project, CAMINO, to celebrate 20 years of EU membership
