Plan a birthday at the museum

The University of Tartu Museum offers exciting birthday programmes for science enthusiasts aged 7 to 12. Venues for hosting birthday parties include the University of Tartu Museum and the Old Observatory. You can also book a programme to take place outside the museum.

The birthday programme is hosted by the Crazy Scientist’s assistant.

The programmes are available from Monday to Sunday, between 11:00 and 20:00 (latest starting time 18:00) at both the cathedral and the observatory.

The price of a birthday programme is 180 euros.
Book a birthday programme

Hull Teadlane katset läbi viimas.
Crazy experiments!
Have you ever wondered how clouds are formed or what you can use to brush an elephant’s teeth? We will discover the substances around us and do secret experiments that the Crazy Scientist left out of his book. We will learn how chemicals are used in everyday life and what happens with them in the lab. On top of that, we will prepare some nice slime that the children can take home with them.
Hull Teadlane Tartu Ülikooli muuseumis
Crazy bubble
In this birthday programme, we will learn about air and what it’s made of. We will find out why air pressure doesn’t compress us into flat little pancakes. We’ll talk about why you can’t blow square bubbles. And we will also make a fun bubble blower, which we will use outside to make extra large bubbles and which the children can take home with them.

The birthday programme can be booked for the museum’s summer season from May to September.
Külastajad Tartu Ülikooli muuseumi näitusel toomkiriku saladuste kamber
Knights and spirits
In this birthday programme, which takes place in the historical cathedral, we will explore signs from the Middle Ages, discover the hidden corners of the building and solve mysteries. Perhaps we’ll meet knights and other spirits. We might just turn into knights ourselves when we make swords!
Laps Tartu tähetornis
Birthday at the Old Observatory
The Moon is not made of cheese. It contains dust and rocks and its surface is full of craters. In this birthday programme, we will use a globe of the Moon to discover the different craters on its surface and learn where they came from. We will find out why Pluto is no longer a planet and why a comet has a tail. We’ll become rocket engineers and build a fun spaceship! We can’t fly it to space, but maybe it can still reach the ceiling?
  • The maximum duration for birthday parties is 2,5 hours.
  • The recommended number of participants is up to 20 children or adults.
  • You have to bring your own food or order separate catering.
  • For fire safety reasons, having an open flame is not permitted in the museum. You may not light candles on birthday cakes.
  • You are welcome to have a look around the museum during birthday parties. The exhibitions are open and visiting them is included in the price of the party.
  • Children should dress comfortably and arrive with indoor footwear.
  • Birthday parties should be booked at least two weeks in advance.

Book a birthday programme

To book a birthday programme, contact us by filling in the application form. We will then contact you to confirm the booking.

Fill in the application form
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