Exhibition "The cathedral’s Chamber of Mysteries"

Tartu Ülikooli muuseumi toomkiriku saladuste kamber
Ele Loonde

The cathedral’s Chamber of Mysteries has been open on the sixth floor of the University of Tartu Museum. Curious visitors can discover the seven mysteries of the cathedral in the Chamber of Mysteries. The exhibition has exciting discoveries for both children and adults.

The cathedral, the oldest building in the city of Tartu, is full of mysteries. There is much in its history that is no longer remembered. At the exhibition, we look for answers to mysteries that have remained unsolved for a long time. How was the cathedral built and what did it originally look like? Where did the most important relic disappear to and why was a man with a severed head buried in the Cathedral?

A chamber full of activities

The Chamber of Mysteries is an exciting discovery for the youngest visitors as well as for true experts of church architecture. Visitors can assemble a model of medieval Tartu and take a peek inside the medieval cathedral using virtual reality. You can also view a brief summary of the construction history of the cathedral and test what kind of towers would suit it best. All this is part of solving the mysteries.

Educational programmes

You can learn more about the history of the cathedral in the educational programme “Church and medieval man”, which is intended for children at lower and upper secondary level. The “Mysteries of the cathedral” programme is for preschoolers and primary-school children.

If you are interested, please contact muuseum@ut.ee, phone (+372) 737 5674.


Getting there

  • The exhibition is located on the sixth floor of the University of Tartu Museum, which is not accessible by elevator.


  • There are some chairs with backs and steps for sitting on in the exhibition hall.

Light and sound

  • The room has a dark ceiling and terracotta walls. It is dimly lit for a mysterious atmosphere. Natural light also enters the room during the day.
  • You may ask the museum staff to turn up the lighting.
  • Display texts are in white letters on a dark background or dark letters on a light background and are easy to read.
  • There is a continuous recording playing in the background, with voices that could be heard in Tartu in the Middle Ages.
  • Visitors can switch on the sounds in the confessional to hear prayers and legends.

Read about the accessibility of the entire building here.

Project team

Curators: Karoliina Kalda, Tiiu Kreegipuu, Mariann Raisma

Technicians: Tanel Nõmmik, Kristiina Ribelus, Anne Arus

Exhibits: Exporabbit OÜ, Blueray OÜ, Archeovision OÜ, Joanna Juhkam, Pelle Nugis

Designer: Mari Kurismaa

Graphic design: Mari Kaljuste, Maarja Roosi (UT Press)

Language editor: Hille Saluäär

Translator: Juta Ristsoo

Print: Salibar OÜ

Furniture: Riksen OÜ

Thank you: Eve Alttoa, Kaur Alttoa, Katrin Alekand, Kaur Alttoa, Jaanika Anderson, Krista Andreson, Arvi Haak, Juhan Kilumets, Mauri Kiudsoo, Joosep Kuusik, Triin Käpp, Ele Loonde, Külli Lupkin, Madis Maasing, Marlis Mallo, Martin Malve, Kersti Markus, Anu Mänd, Marge Nelk, Kerttu Palginõmm, Kadri Pärn, Anna Liisa Regensperger, Father Miguel Angel Arata Rosenthal, Krista Sarv, Anti Selart, Moonika Teemus, Kristiina Tiideberg, Kaire Tooming, Ardo Ran Varres, Raul Vaiksoo, Kristo Vaiksoo, Anton Pärnapuu OÜ, Elektrosystem OÜ, Hea Maja Pood, Põrandahunt OÜ, Regio OÜ, Wako Wärkstuba OÜ and everyone else who shared their great ideas.

The exhibition was created with support from the Estonian Ministry of Culture and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

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