White Hall

The White Hall, located on the third floor of the University of Tartu Museum, is one of the university’s most prominent venues and is suitable for various events, such as concerts, conferences, theatre performances, anniversaries and weddings.

The White Hall forms part of the former cathedral’s choir, which is known for its magnificent chandeliers, elegant balconies and imposing medieval pillars.

  • 100 chairs
  • piano
  • lectern
  • large table
  • audio equipment (speakers, audio remote, three microphones, USB port)
  • flip chart
  • large screen and multimedia projector with laptop
  • room size: 467.4 m2
  • theatre-style layout: 100 people
  • banquet-style layout: 150 people
  • standing reception: 400 people


White HallMon–ThuFri–Sun
University of Tartu structural units85 €/h105 €/h
Institutions, organisations and individuals not affiliated with the University of Tartu 100 €/h120 €/h

Additional information and booking

To book a room, contact us by filling in the application form. For your event to be successful, please read the good practice agreement before booking. More information: Kadri Kaljurand (kadri.kaljurand@ut.ee, +372 737 6072)

Fill in the application form

Good practice agreement

Possible renderings of the name and logo of the University of Tartu Museum

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