Study lab

The study lab is located on the first floor of the museum. The space can accommodate up to 20 people and is suitable for meetings, seminars or training programmes.

For events taking place in the White Hall, the study lab can also function as an extra room for speakers or the organising team. During the Antonius 2022 fashion show, the space was used for doing hair and make-up.

  • touchscreen
  • folding tables and chairs
  • tableware
  • dishwasher
  • refrigerator
  • kettle
  • room size: 37.8 m2
  • capacity: 20 people
  • location: first floor of the University of Tartu Museum


Study lab
University of Tartu structural units 30 €/h 200 €/day

Institutions, organisations and individuals

not affiliated with the University of Tartu

40 €/h 250 €/day

Additional information and booking

To book a room, contact us by filling in the application form. For your event to be successful, please read the good practice agreement before booking. More information: Kadri Kaljurand (, 372 737 6072)

Fill in the application form

Hea tava lepe

Possible renderings of the name and logo of the University of Tartu Museum

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