Old Observatory

Tartu Observatory used to be one of the most important astronomical centres in the world. The observatory’s spaces are perfect for hosting birthday parties, receptions and seminars for smaller groups.

There is an option to book a guided tour, a planetarium show or, if the weather is clear, telescope observation for your event.

  • 6 small folding tables and 50 folding chairs
  • screen
  • projector
  • basic sound system in one of the halls

Size of the rooms:

  • Clock Room 31.9 m2,
  • Western Hall 81.3 m2,
  • Low Arched Cellar 35.8 m2.


  • Clock Room: 20 people;
  • Western Hall: 50 people;
  • Low Arched Cellar: 20 people.

Virtual tour in the Old Observatory


Rooms in the Old Observatory
University of Tartu structural units 55 €/h
Institutions, organisations and individuals not affiliated with the University of Tartu 65 €/h

Additional information and booking

To book a room, contact us by filling in the application form. More information: Kadri Kaljurand (kadri.kaljurand@ut.ee, +372 737 6072)

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