Creativity². Researchers of the University of Tartu and their artistic hobbies.

On 21 June, a colourful summer exhibition opens at the University of Tartu Art Museum, showcasing the artistic hobbies of eight University of Tartu academic staff members.

Authors represented at the exhibition include Endla Lõhkivi, Ene Ustav, Imbi Traat, Inna Rebane, Jaak Kikas, Lemme Haldre, Tiina Kraav and Tõnu Esko.

In a way, the exhibition is an introduction to the exhibition "Art or Science" to be opened at the University of Tartu Museum in November 2023, focusing on 19th-century scientific illustration and the practical necessity of artistic skills in the scientific world in the past.

The curators of Creativity² are Ingrid Sahk and Maris Tuuling, designer Maris Tuuling, graphic designer Maarja Roosi.

The exhibition will be open for visitors until 28 October 2023.

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