Exhibition of the winning works of the astrophotography competition

Süvataeva kategooria võidutöö
Raivo Hein

From 26 March 2022, photos by Estonia’s best sky photographers have been displayed in the Old Observatory.

The winning works of the Old Observatory astrophotography contest are on display at the exhibition. The competition was open to everyone from kindergarten children to grandparents who captured the beauty of the night sky with a camera.

The photos were judged in six categories: Moon; deep sky; Solar System; starry sky; atmospheric phenomena; and urban astrophotography. The winning entries from all categories, a total of 18 best photos, are displayed in the observatory.

The entrants were divided into three age categories: up to 12 years, 12–18 years, and 19 years and older. A total of 131 photos taken in 2021 or 2022 were entered in the competition.

The organisation of the competition and exhibition was supported by Tartu municipality. The prizes were awarded with support from Photopoint and Teleskoobid.ee.


Getting there

  • The exhibition is located in the stairwell of the Old Observatory. There is no elevator in the building.
  • The passages in the stairwell are very low in some places. The low spots have been covered with felt to draw attention to the hazard and to soften the edges.


  • The stairwell of the observatory has natural light only on the top floor. The rest of the exhibition is lit by directional lamps.

Read about the accessibility of the entire building here.

Project team

Jury: physicist and science photographer Jaak Kikas, science historian Lea Leppik and astrophotographer Kadri Tinn

Project manager: Kärt Soieva

Working group: Ele Loonde, Tanel Nõmmik, Karoliina Kalda, Külli Lupkin

Print and design: Salibar

The completion of the exhibition was supported by Tartu municipality.

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