Crazy Scientist's Saturday Morning Science Experiment 'The Mystery of Darkness'

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Chiara Carucci

Crazy Scientist's Saturday Morning Science Experiment 'The Mystery of Darkness' is held at the University of Tartu Museum (Lossi 25). The event belongs to the side programme of the Tartu Light Art Festival TAVA24.

Lighting designer Chiara is very interested in animals and birds, but also light and design. During this Saturday Morning Science Experiment, we will discuss how to combine these two worlds so that we can live in cities where there is enough light for humans but where animals can also live happily and sleep at night. We invite children aged 7 to 12 to participate in this experiment and learn about necessary living conditions for animals and birds living in the city and how light pollution affects their lives. We will also undoubtedly play with light.

The morning science experiment will be led by lighting designer Chiara Carucci in English and translated into Estonian with the help of our Crazy Scientist. Tickets (5 €) can be purchased from Fienta or the University of Tartu museum shop before the beginning of the experiment.

The event is organised in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy in Tallinn.

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